Do you know what it means to be a GODFATHER and / or GODMOTHER of a rescued person?
Although sponsoring and / or sponsoring has to do with financial aid to our NGO, there is an even deeper question ...
All the horses that arrive at ACMA do so in critical condition and many are at risk of death. As we do NOT receive SUBSIDIES or government contributions of any kind, nor do we sign political agreements, we are independent of any government, we need the help of individuals ... we need you ...
At ACMA 100% of the proceeds go to the horses and to the field where the rescued are housed, where we constantly make structural improvements for their welfare and safety ...
There is a reality, every month we have to pay many expenses to be able to maintain the facilities and the level of care for the horses, namely: rental of two fields (Baradero and Alejandro Korn), caretakers, social charges, edesur, system of cameras, food (first quality alfalfa rolls, oats and balanced), chips, supplies, medication and other expenses that arise according to the need of each case ...
By helping, you would be cooperating with our activity and being part of it. Do you know what it feels like to be a SPONSOR and / or GODMOTHER of a rescued person?
The fact of being able to help and accompany a rescued person is a way to protect and love him and that is only felt in the heart, when we see them arrive helpless and helpless, being able to help them relieves our souls of so much emotional burden that many of us feel when we are in front to an injustice ...
Every time you look at something new about your godson you will feel "I AM PART OF HIS WELFARE" and "I BRING RELIEF TO HIS SOUL"
We rely on good thoughts, good energies and the transmission of LOVE and we live it every day through them, because they are grateful and know how to understand when one loves them ...
The godparents will be able to know about their godchildren, share days with them ... it doesn't matter who you choose ... because everyone will thank you in the same way, because everyone is cared for and treated with the same love ...
Be part of his recovery !!
Be part of them !!
Be part of ACMA !!